Applicable Product: Nyquist C4000 Applicable Release: Fixed in Release : 3.0.1 and higher Patch Filename : c4000- How to apply patch: Use "System Update" in the "System Parameters" view of the Nyquist web interface. This patch includes updated help files for the Nyquist system. This patch resolves the following issues found in C4000 Release or previous releases: [NYQ-5413] - Various issues with display image priorities on GA10PV devices. [NYQ-5623] - Unable to download Bogen Root Certificate from System Parameters using Android mobile devices. [NYQ-5665] - Queued Paging not working after upgrade to C4000 3.0.0 [NYQ-5677] - Log rotation errors (only affects mysql logs). [NYQ-5679] - Can't define DNS servers on statically defined Port-A if Port-B is not being used but is still enabled [NYQ-5704] - Under DHCP Server configuration, allow Gateway IP Address to be blank (previously did not allow it to be blank). [C4000-1878] - SSL Certificate becomes invalid after starting Automatic Failover Initialization, making it very difficult to complete AF setup. -------------------- New Features -------------------- The following new parameters have been added to the ‘Display-Msg’ Routine action $alerts() variable. Parameter: ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# A new parameter, ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_#, is available for use in the $alerts() variable present in the Text field of a “Display-Msg” Routine action. When the ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# parameter is included in the $alerts() parameter list, it will cause the “Display-Msg” Routine action to play the announcement with DTMF code specified by ‘#'. For example, including ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_12 will cause the Routine action to play the Announcement that has “DTMF Code” equal to 12. When specifying an ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_#, the '#’ is replaced by the desired Announcement “DTMF Code”. The Announcement to be played must have “Play To Zone” set to the desired playback Zone. If the “Play To Zone” field is empty, the Announcement will not play. The Announcement will only be played when an actual alert exists and when alert text is sent to a GA10PV display. If an alert does not exist when the action executes, the Announcement will not be played. If the $alerts() variable contains a REPEAT_# parameter, the Announcement’s “Times to Play” should be considered because the REPEAT_# parameter will automatically cause the Announcement to repeat at the interval specified by the REPEAT_# parameter. “Times to Play” should not be set to 0 (continuous), if it is, the user will need to manually stop the Announcement once it has started. The Routine that includes the $alerts() variable and ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# parameter must have an “Extension” set that has permission to start Announcements. WARNING: If you change the DTMF Code of an Announcement that is used in a Routine action via the $alerts() ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# parameter, you will need to manually update the DTMF code for the ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# parameter. Nyquist will not automatically make the change. Parameter: PLAY_ONCE Since the REPEAT_# parameter will cause the Announcement to repeat until an alert no longer exists, if you only want the Announcement to play one time when an alert first appears, include the PLAY_ONCE parameter in the $alerts() parameter list. Note: If PLAY_ONCE is included and an existing alert is immediately replaced by a new alert during a repeat cycle, the Announcement will not play for the new alert; at least one repeat cycle must have no alerts present before the play count is reset to allow subsequent Announcement playback. Parameter: PLAY_SKIP_# Since the REPEAT_# parameter will cause the Announcement to repeat during each repeat cycle until an alert no longer exists, if you only want the Announcement to periodically be repeated during an alert, include the PLAY_SKIP_# parameter in the $alerts() parameter list. When PLAY_SKIP_# is included, the Announcement playback will be skipped the number of times specified by '#'. For example, if PLAY_SKIP_4 is included in the parameter list, the Announcement will be played every 5 minutes (by skipping Announcement playback 4 times). Note: If PLAY_SKIP_# is included and an existing alert is immediately replaced by a new alert during a repeat cycle, the Announcement will not immediately play for the new alert; the Announcement will play after the number of skips has occurred. Parameter: PLAY_STOP_# While an alert is pending and an ANNOUNCEMENT_DTMF_# is specified, the PLAY_STOP_# parameter can be used to control how many times the Announcement is played while an alert is still pending. The '#' specifies how many times to play before stopping. Since Alerts can last several hours, this parameter can be used to control how many times to play the Announcement during the alert before stopping. Note: If an existing alert is immediately replaced by a new alert during a repeat cycle, the Announcement will not start playing again until at least one repeat cycle has not alerts present. Parameter: ROUTINE_ALERT_DTMF_# If the ROUTINE_ALERT_DTMF_# parameter is included in the $alerts() parameter list, when an alert is present and when alert text is sent to a GA10PV display, the Routine with DTMF code specified by '#' will also be executed. For example, including ROUTINE_ALERT_DTMF_5 will cause the Routine with DTMF Code equal to 5 to be executed. An example use would be executing a Routine that closes an I/O controller output contact that in turn might turn on an external light or buzzer. If the REPEAT_# parameter is present in $alerts() and alerts are present, the Routine will be executed at each repeat cycle. For example, if REPEAT_60 is included in the parameter list while alerts exists, the Routine will be executed every 60 seconds. Use ROUTINE_ALERT_ONCE to force the Routine to only be executed once while alerts are present. Parameter: ROUTINE_ALERT_ONCE If this parameter is included with ROUTINE_ALERT_DTMF_#, the specified Routine will only be executed once during the alert lifetime. Parameter: ROUTINE_NOALERT_DTMF_# If the ROUTINE_NOALERT_DTMF_# parameter is included in the $alerts() parameter list when no alerts exist, the Routine with DTMF code specified by '#' will be executed. For example, including ROUTINE_NOALERT_DTMF_6 will cause the Routine with DTMF Code equal to 6 to be execute when no alerts exist. An example use would be executing a Routine that opens an I/O controller output contact that in turn might turn off an external light or buzzer. If the REPEAT_# parameter is present in $alerts() and no alerts exist, the Routine will be executed at each repeat cycle. For example, if REPEAT_60 is included in the parameter list, while no alerts exists, the Routine will be executed every 60 seconds. Use ROUTINE_NOALERT_ONCE to force the Routine to only be executed once while alerts do not exist. Parameter: ROUTINE_NOALERT_ONCE If this parameter is included with ROUTINE_NOALERT_DTMF_#, the specified Routine will only be executed once when no alerts are available. Tip: The ROUTINE_ALERT_DTMF_# and ROUTINE_NOALERT_DTMF_# parameters can be used together to toggle the state of an I/O Controller output contact. They could also be used together to add/delete Dashboard messages via Routine actions.